Hear My Voice – Message in a Bottle

4th March 2021

Hear my Voice Barnsley is a project close to our hearts here at Barnsley Museums and Heritage Trust, we have previously supported the effort with fundraising. They have recently launched their Message in a Bottle campaign.

Message in a bottle is part of a series of projects led by Barnsley’s cultural sector, reflecting on the pandemic and capturing this period of our lives. The idea behind it is:

Don’t keep your emotions bottled up! Share your experiences of living through the coronavirus pandemic.

How to get involved?

Download a postcard in the shape of a bottle, designed by local artist Patrick Murphy here.

Add your thoughts, reflections, photos or artwork and then photograph it and share it with us on social media @HearMyVoiceBsly or email

For inspiration, head over to the Hear My Voice Facebook page to read the reflections already posted.

Watch more of the Mesage In A Bottle entries here.

Hear My Voice – Message in a Bottle